Concise Biology for ICSE Class 8 by K K Gupta | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Selina
- Author: K K Gupta
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
- Selina Concise Biology for ICSE Class 8 by K K Gupta | 2024-25 Edition
- Read the book thoroughly. The meaning of each and every line should be clear to you. If you have any doubt, mark it and ask your teacher.
- Solve all the back exercise problems yourself first. If you feel any difficulty, refer to the solution book PDF. The solutions are provided chapter wise, therefore you can refer to chapter of your choice without downloading the complete book.
- Being in class 6, teacher always expects an extra effort from your side. 80% of the questions come from the back exercise and the rest 20% are the extra questions. But if you have studied all the back exercise answers properly, you will not face any problem is answering the questions which come out of class room teaching.
- For the longer answers, give proper detail but each details should be properly outlines and given in points.
- Try to learn the things by referring a diagram or illustration. This will help in visualizing the complete thing and make the concept easier for you.
- If you have a friend, try to explain whatever you have learnt. This is a good method of revising.
- In one or two mark questions, don’t go into details. Try to keep your answer short and crisp but make sure that you keep it relevant too.
Tags: Ref.Book, Class8, ICSEClass8, ICSE, Selina
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